This report is specific to unit 407 in this building
We loved living at The Seigniory. The apartments are clean, bright, and we'll laid-out and the building is very quiet. The views on either side of the building are very nice (we prefer the river side but you can see the Canada day fireworks from the park side which is a plus!). The large laundry room has about 10 washers and 10 dryers, as well as a lounge, washroom, TV, and small lending library. There is also a very small gym with weights and some exercise machines. The doorman service is especially useful for accepting packages so that you don't have to go to a Canada Post location if you're out when the mail arrives. Another great feature is a guest suite that you can rent for visitors for a pretty reasonable price (much less than a hotel).

The location is great for easy access to downtown on foot or bus & the apartment is within walking distance of three grocery stores.

We only moved out of the Seigniory because we were moving out of the province -- otherwise we would probably still be there!

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