This report is specific to unit 2 in this building
We rented this apartment from early 2023 to late 2024. We were never given an official legal lease and instead had to sign a document that looked extremely outdated and contained multiple illegal and/or false clauses. We experienced a number of issues with the apartment, some of which the landlord, Ron McFee, resolved promptly, most were not.

In February 2024 our bathroom ceiling collapsed. This turned out to be a symptom of a damaged roof. The repairs were not started for 8 months after this incident, and we lived for that time with a constantly expanding hole in our bathroom ceiling which dripped 60% of the time. we would fill a bucket every week. During this time Ron increased our rent, while giving us no indication of when the issue would be resolved.

During the same period, our power started going out regularly. When an electrician looked at the fusebox, he told us the entire house was wired on 30-amp fuses. We brought this up to a home inspector friend of ours, who told us that 30-amp fuses should never have been installed in a residential building, and that we were lucky the whole place hadn't burned down.

On top of these major issues, we have dealt with a constant moth infestation that seems to persist no matter how much we clean. We suspect they are getting in through the poorly-sealed windows and balcony door.

The landlord entered our apartment multiple times without due notice while we were away.

Overall, this apartment was a good deal during the first year when we had no need for repairs, but became too stressful once we realized the landlord would not prioritize our safety or comfort. There is no washer or dryer available for the upper unit, and the parking is shared, which became very stressful to coordinate as only one car is accessible at a time.

The only thing we loved about this apartment was the location. The neighbourhood is lively and convenient. We still do not recommend living here.

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